Look what's happening in Sweden! COVID-19
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Friday, July 3, 2020
FAILED STRATEGY SWEDEN. Anders Tegnell interview. Slippery as a worm.
Swedish Public Health Agency (FHM) of which Anders Tegnell is at the head, does not even include deaths of the elderly in aged care homes in official statistics. It is known that people aged 75 years and older represent half of all deaths. Therefore, whatever the death totals are for Sweden, double them! Elderly people in care homes are not administered oxygen. FHM's recommendation is to administer morphine! This makes it impossible to breathe, and the elder person then dies. This indeed is a sacrifice... a sacrifice of all the people who built this country. To be very specific, the strategy of Anders Tegnell and FHM is murder. When all is said and done, they will all be tried for the same. They will not be let off the hook. Punishment is staring at them, as surely as someone stares down the barrel of a gun.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
W.H.O. is Right about Sweden - Herd Immunity. My experience of living with ongoing COVID-19 ever since 15 February 2020.
#HerdImmunity An absolutely bogus concept - says the World Health Organisation (WHO) !! Myself and my partner who live in south Sweden, Skåne, have now been reinfected four times since 15 February when we first got symptoms !! We have had mild to debilitating symptoms - no fever, no pneumonia, no sore throat... Just all other 11 out of 14 symptoms for COVID-19. The WHO is absolutely correct:
- The chances of disease returning and rebounding is quite high!
Damn right it is !! Every time my Swedish partner returns to his job under fortnightly rotation of all staff in an IT company, we get sick again !!! I am completely over the BS to the point where if the Swedish madness continues, we are considering returning to my home country of New Zealand where they confine, track, trace and contain. Death total for NZ is 21 souls with the last new case reported on 22 May and ZERO new deaths for weeks! The NZ strategy was put in place very early. I am absolutely appalled at what's happening in Sweden. We are very lucky that we have a Plan B to turn to. Most people in Sweden do not!
My partner got permission from his work place to stay home for one month from the end of March until early May - he worked from home. I was so sick and non-functional, and he kept bringing COVID-19 home from his infected work environment. He was also sick all the time - but being a good Swede, he just kept on working without complaining.
This quarantine made all the difference for us. We healed, recovered, and became healthy again and were able to function normally at last, in the final 2 weeks. He was then commanded to return to work! Results: Twice now in May, we have been reinfected !!! - all because it is required by the Löfven government that people have to physically go to work! In our case, my partner can easily work from home.
We feel like money slaves... No love, no care from this government nor FHM for the people. We are just here to work! Tegnell's strategy is bogus. He's an absolute 100% liar !! It's all about money - and getting rid of the elderly and the "useless".
#UtredningNu !!! #InvestigationNow !!!
COVID-19 symptoms as observed in an early study in China - January or February. Has FHM ever published this list? If not, why not? Doesn't FHM want the Swedish public to know the symptoms of COVID-19 and thereby stop greater spread within the population? Data represents individuals and (%) of people in the study. Clearly, people had multiple symptoms, as we did/do also.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Swedish swamp creature head epidemiologist at the Swedish Public Health Agency (FHM) Anders Tegnell's personal gain off vaccination programs! (clearly!)
Note: USA head epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci gets paid around US$3 per vaccine by pharmaceutical companies when he pushes certain vaccine programs to the American public. I wonder if Anders Tegnell's commission is about the same?
Source for this article
English translation below...
Hej Anders! Jag skriver till dig eftersom jag undrar över ett par saker. Jag råkade nämligen upptäcka att det har skrivits en hel del om dig och dina vaccin-upphandlingar tidigare, både då du var chef på Socialstyrelsen och nu, som anställd på Folkhälsomyndigheten.
År 2006 lät du i din position som chef på Socialstyrelsen tillsätta en expertgrupp som skulle utreda huruvida HPV-virus skulle ingå i det allmänna vaccinationsprogrammet för flickor i årskurs 5-6. Det visade sig då att tre av sex experter i gruppen hade tydliga kopplingar till vaccinbranschen - personer som dessutom hade profilerat sig som starka förespråkare för HPV-vaccinering.
Svenska Dagbladet skrev vid den tidpunkten att du medgav att du kände till ”bindningarna” men enligt dig var det inga konstigheter. Du duckade effektivt mediernas anklagelser om jäv.
Hur det gick till då beslutet om HPV-vaccinet togs vet vi idag inte mycket om. Det finns inga protokoll från sammanträdena och ingen samlad dokumentation om handläggningen, upplyser SVD. Det som däremot har framkommit är att den dåvarande chefen för Glaxo Smith Klines public affairs-avdelning, Johan Thor, fick branschtidningen Resumés utmärkelse ”Årets lobbyist” för sina insatser att få med HPV i det allmänna vaccinationsprogrammet.
Ett par år senare, 2009, var du återigen i farten och upphandlade ännu mer vaccin från läkemedelsföretaget Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK). 18 miljoner doser närmare bestämt, till en kostnad på ungefär 1,3 miljarder kronor, skriver SVD och SVT.
Upphandlingen gällde den gången GSK:s prototypvaccin Pendemrix som användes vid massvaccineringen mot svininfluensan 2009-2010, ett vaccin som har visat sig öka risken för narkolepsi. Hur många vaccindoser som skulle köpas våren 2009 skrev du som chef på smittskyddsenheten på Socialstyrelsen om i en faslig massa mejl till Johan Carlson, som då var generaldirektör på Smittskyddsinstitutet.
I ett av de drygt 150 e-postmeddelanden som SvD begärde ut och granskade skriver du: ”SoD (Socialdepartementet) är helt tydliga med att politiskt finns här ingen återvändo”.
Johan Carlson ”håller med” och skriver att ”detta är affärer och politik snarare än sjukvård”. Någon rörelsefrihet finns inte, konstaterade han.
Vad har då alla dessa vaccin-uppköp kostat skattebetalarna? Är det någon som har fört protokoll? Expressen skrev 2013 att HPV-programmet kostar staten 262 miljoner om året. Massvaccineringen mot svininfluensa har väl kostat i runda slängar 2 miljarder, såvitt jag förstår. Det fyraåriga avtalet som slöts 2016 med GSK, avseende nytt influensavaccin, kostar dessutom många miljoner till varje år.
Var det förresten verkligen nödvändigt att FHM (du?) godkände en klausul i avtalet där man lovar att staten ska ersätta läkemedelsbolagen om de skulle bli skadeståndsskyldiga på grund av biverkningar?
Och hur är det egentligen med HPV-programmet? Eftersom det tar årtionden innan denna cancerform utvecklas så kan det i framtiden månne krävas påfyllning.. Vet någon hur det står till med den saken? Vet Glaxo Smith Kline? Jag menar, har bolaget informerat om saken?
Något som GSK helt uppenbart har gjort är att man nyligen överklagat landstingens gemensamma beslut om upphandling av ett nytt (mer heltäckande) vaccin mot humant papillomvirus, HPV, hos förvaltningsdomstolen i Stockholm. Det har nämligen visat sig att Glaxo Smith Klines HPV-vaccin inte är lika effektivt vaccin som Gardasil 9, som har utvecklats av bolaget MSD.
Då landstingen ville satsa på det bredare vaccinet (som skyddar mot nio virusstammar istället för GSK:s vaccin som endast skyddar mot fyra) var intentionen att ersätta dagens vaccin i syfte att förbättra skyddet mot HPV-orsakad cancer. Det här har dock fått GSK att gå i taket. Deras överklagande stoppade i slutet av 2018 landstingens planer på att skriva avtal med MSD om upphandling av vaccinet Gardasil 9.
Glaxo Smith Kline påpekade vid överklagandet att upphandlingen gällde mycket stora värden, omkring 300 miljoner kronor, och att det innebar ”en stor skada för bolaget att inte få vara med och konkurrera om avtalet”. Att det är astronomiska summor som står på spel råder det ingen tvekan om.
Avslutningsvis några ytterligare frågor, som jag vet att fler än jag undrar över:
Med vänlig hälsning,
/Susanne Fuchs
P.S. Påminner lite snabbt om vilka extraknäck och bisysslor som är förenliga med statlig anställning. Det regleras i lagen om offentlig anställning, LOA. Syftet med bestämmelserna uttrycks i lagens förarbeten:
"Den offentliga förvaltningen är en grundsten i det svenska demokratiska samhället. Myndigheternas rykte ska vara obefläckat – ingen ska tvivla på att arbetet som uträttas är opartiskt. Förtroendet från medborgarna behöver vara stort. Du som anställd ska aldrig riskera att handla i eget intresse – eller att påverkas av någon annan, som får inflytande över dina beslut.”
(Jag råkade nämligen se att du och din fru driver ett handelsbolag som syftar till att ”Bedriva och stödja kursverksamhet inom området sjukvård och hälsa. Genomföra analyser och utvärderingar i olika verksamheter inom området folkhälsa”. Som chef på en myndighet ska man, mig veterligen, inte ha några bindningar till enskilda företag eller personer inom den samhällssektor som myndigheten ska betjäna. Kan vara värt att ha koll på!)
In English (by Google Translate) - Reviewed by the author.
And what about the HPV program? Since it takes decades for this cancer form to develop, it may require refilling in the future. Does anyone know how it is with that thing? Does Glaxo Smith Kline know? I mean, has the company been informed about the matter?
Something that GSK has made quite clear is that it recently appealed against the county council's joint decision to procure a new (more comprehensive) vaccine against human papillomavirus, HPV, at the Stockholm Administrative Court. It has been found that Glaxo Smith Kline's HPV vaccine is not as effective a vaccine as Gardasil 9, which was developed by the company MSD.
When the county council wanted to focus on the wider vaccine (which protects against nine virus strains instead of GSK's vaccine which only protects against four), the intention was to replace the current vaccine with the aim of improving protection against HPV-caused cancer. However, this has caused GSK to go to the ceiling. At the end of 2018, their appeal stopped the county council's plans to sign an agreement with the MSD to procure the Gardasil vaccine 9.
Glaxo Smith Kline pointed out in the appeal that the contract was for very large values, about SEK 300 million, and that it meant "a great harm for the company not to be able to participate in and compete for the agreement". There is no doubt that astronomical sums are at stake.
Finally, some additional questions, which I know more than I wonder about:
/ Susanne Fuchs
PS. Reminds a little quickly what extra necks and side jobs are compatible with government employment. This is regulated by the Public Employment Act, LOA. The purpose of the regulations is expressed in the law's preliminary work:
"Public administration is a cornerstone of Swedish democratic society. The reputation of the authorities should be spotless - no one should doubt that the work being done is impartial. The confidence of the citizens need to be great. You as an employee should never risk acting in your own interest - or to be influenced by someone else who has influence over your decisions."
I happened to see that you and your wife run a trading company that aims to "Conduct and support course activities in the field of health care and health. Conduct analyzes and evaluations in various activities in the field of public health"... does not have any ties to individual companies or individuals in the social sector that the authority should serve ??? May be worth checking out!
(as above)
Johan Carlson ”håller med” och skriver att ”detta är affärer och politik snarare än sjukvård”. Någon rörelsefrihet finns inte, konstaterade han.
Eftersom det tydligen inte fanns någon återvändo eller rörelsefrihet lät ni alltså köpa in 18 miljoner doser av svininfluensa-vaccinet från GSK till en kostnad på ungefär 1,3 miljarder kronor. Eller blev det i slutändan närmare 2 miljarder? Lurigt det där att hålla reda på skattemedel, en betydande summa tycks det i varje fall ha varit.
Enligt tidningskällor ska Glaxo Smith Kline ha gett felaktig information när man i samband med upphandlingen uppgav att det behövdes en dubbel dos av bolagets vaccin mot svininfluensa. Som jag har förstått det ändrade GSK sin information efter upphandlingen, dvs efter att 18 miljoner doser hade köpts in. Då ändrade bolaget sina riktlinjer och gav nya instruktioner om att vaccineringen bara skulle ges vid ett tillfälle, inte två.
Alltså blev det en faslig massa vaccin-doser över. Svenska Dagbladet, som granskade affären, skriver att lagret med mer än sex miljoner överblivna doser Pandemrix avvecklades i all tysthet. Enligt tidningskällan gick mellan 400 och 500 skattemiljoner upp i rök.
Närmare 500 barn och unga drabbades av den neurologiska sjukdomen narkolepsi. Därutöver medförde vaccineringen att många fick sömnstörningar med starka mardrömmar, hallucinationer och minnesproblem.
År 2013 skriver Sveriges Radio att brittiska läkemedelsjätten Glaxo Smith Kline anklagas för mutor i Kina. Läkemedelsbolaget ska ha använt motsvarande omkring 3 miljarder kronor till att muta läkare och tjänstemän för att pressa upp priserna på företagets produkter i landet, enligt polisen. Mutorna ska, enligt källan, ha getts i form av resor men även i form av sexuella tjänster. Sedan 2007 uppges den verksamheten ha pågått, där bland annat pengar ska ha förts över till 700 resebyråer och företag.
Var du medveten om den här gigantiska muthärvan då du återigen ett par år senare väljer att köpa upp ett nytt vaccin från GSK? (Som dessutom var baserat på samma protytypvaccin som Pandemrix!)
Då du tog över ansvaret för Folkhälsomyndigheten tecknade du nämligen ännu ett avtal med Glaxo Smith Kline, vilket den gången dessutom försågs med specialklausul som fråntar dem alla eventuella skadeanspråk.
Enligt tidningskällor ska Glaxo Smith Kline ha gett felaktig information när man i samband med upphandlingen uppgav att det behövdes en dubbel dos av bolagets vaccin mot svininfluensa. Som jag har förstått det ändrade GSK sin information efter upphandlingen, dvs efter att 18 miljoner doser hade köpts in. Då ändrade bolaget sina riktlinjer och gav nya instruktioner om att vaccineringen bara skulle ges vid ett tillfälle, inte två.
Alltså blev det en faslig massa vaccin-doser över. Svenska Dagbladet, som granskade affären, skriver att lagret med mer än sex miljoner överblivna doser Pandemrix avvecklades i all tysthet. Enligt tidningskällan gick mellan 400 och 500 skattemiljoner upp i rök.
Närmare 500 barn och unga drabbades av den neurologiska sjukdomen narkolepsi. Därutöver medförde vaccineringen att många fick sömnstörningar med starka mardrömmar, hallucinationer och minnesproblem.
År 2013 skriver Sveriges Radio att brittiska läkemedelsjätten Glaxo Smith Kline anklagas för mutor i Kina. Läkemedelsbolaget ska ha använt motsvarande omkring 3 miljarder kronor till att muta läkare och tjänstemän för att pressa upp priserna på företagets produkter i landet, enligt polisen. Mutorna ska, enligt källan, ha getts i form av resor men även i form av sexuella tjänster. Sedan 2007 uppges den verksamheten ha pågått, där bland annat pengar ska ha förts över till 700 resebyråer och företag.
Var du medveten om den här gigantiska muthärvan då du återigen ett par år senare väljer att köpa upp ett nytt vaccin från GSK? (Som dessutom var baserat på samma protytypvaccin som Pandemrix!)
Då du tog över ansvaret för Folkhälsomyndigheten tecknade du nämligen ännu ett avtal med Glaxo Smith Kline, vilket den gången dessutom försågs med specialklausul som fråntar dem alla eventuella skadeanspråk.
Vad har då alla dessa vaccin-uppköp kostat skattebetalarna? Är det någon som har fört protokoll? Expressen skrev 2013 att HPV-programmet kostar staten 262 miljoner om året. Massvaccineringen mot svininfluensa har väl kostat i runda slängar 2 miljarder, såvitt jag förstår. Det fyraåriga avtalet som slöts 2016 med GSK, avseende nytt influensavaccin, kostar dessutom många miljoner till varje år.
Var det förresten verkligen nödvändigt att FHM (du?) godkände en klausul i avtalet där man lovar att staten ska ersätta läkemedelsbolagen om de skulle bli skadeståndsskyldiga på grund av biverkningar?
Och hur är det egentligen med HPV-programmet? Eftersom det tar årtionden innan denna cancerform utvecklas så kan det i framtiden månne krävas påfyllning.. Vet någon hur det står till med den saken? Vet Glaxo Smith Kline? Jag menar, har bolaget informerat om saken?
Något som GSK helt uppenbart har gjort är att man nyligen överklagat landstingens gemensamma beslut om upphandling av ett nytt (mer heltäckande) vaccin mot humant papillomvirus, HPV, hos förvaltningsdomstolen i Stockholm. Det har nämligen visat sig att Glaxo Smith Klines HPV-vaccin inte är lika effektivt vaccin som Gardasil 9, som har utvecklats av bolaget MSD.
Då landstingen ville satsa på det bredare vaccinet (som skyddar mot nio virusstammar istället för GSK:s vaccin som endast skyddar mot fyra) var intentionen att ersätta dagens vaccin i syfte att förbättra skyddet mot HPV-orsakad cancer. Det här har dock fått GSK att gå i taket. Deras överklagande stoppade i slutet av 2018 landstingens planer på att skriva avtal med MSD om upphandling av vaccinet Gardasil 9.
Glaxo Smith Kline påpekade vid överklagandet att upphandlingen gällde mycket stora värden, omkring 300 miljoner kronor, och att det innebar ”en stor skada för bolaget att inte få vara med och konkurrera om avtalet”. Att det är astronomiska summor som står på spel råder det ingen tvekan om.
Avslutningsvis några ytterligare frågor, som jag vet att fler än jag undrar över:
- Finns det personliga kopplingar mellan dig och GSK?
- Är det så att de svenska analysmetoderna gällande borrelia och diverse fästingburna co-infektioner är undermåliga?
- Behövs det betydligt mer forskning och finansiering för att få bukt med det?
- Kan t.ex Sida (som finansierat många av dina och Johans andra projekt) komma att stödja verksamhet som förebygger, diagnosticerar och behandlar fästingburna sjukdomar?
- Och skulle Sverige kunna bygga en egen fabrik som producerar influensavaccin, där staten garanterar ett visst antal doser varje år för att hålla igång produktionen?
- Kanske det till och med kan vara klokt att ha egen tillverkning med tanke på eventuell bristsituation och leveransproblem i kristider?
- Slutligen, varför reste du iväg till Somalia mitt under Corona-krisen?
- Gick det verkligen inte att ge expertråd via videolänk och/eller via telefon?
- Och hade du testat dig för Covid-19 innan du åkte?
Med vänlig hälsning,
/Susanne Fuchs
P.S. Påminner lite snabbt om vilka extraknäck och bisysslor som är förenliga med statlig anställning. Det regleras i lagen om offentlig anställning, LOA. Syftet med bestämmelserna uttrycks i lagens förarbeten:
"Den offentliga förvaltningen är en grundsten i det svenska demokratiska samhället. Myndigheternas rykte ska vara obefläckat – ingen ska tvivla på att arbetet som uträttas är opartiskt. Förtroendet från medborgarna behöver vara stort. Du som anställd ska aldrig riskera att handla i eget intresse – eller att påverkas av någon annan, som får inflytande över dina beslut.”
(Jag råkade nämligen se att du och din fru driver ett handelsbolag som syftar till att ”Bedriva och stödja kursverksamhet inom området sjukvård och hälsa. Genomföra analyser och utvärderingar i olika verksamheter inom området folkhälsa”. Som chef på en myndighet ska man, mig veterligen, inte ha några bindningar till enskilda företag eller personer inom den samhällssektor som myndigheten ska betjäna. Kan vara värt att ha koll på!)
In English (by Google Translate) - Reviewed by the author.
Hello Anders! I'm writing to you because I wonder about a couple of things. I happened to discover that a lot has been written about you and your vaccine procurements in the past, both when you were head of the National Board of Social Affairs and now, as an employee of the Public Health Authority.
In 2006, in your position as head of the National Board of Health, you appointed an expert group to investigate whether HPV viruses would be included in the general vaccination program for girls in grades 5-6. It turned out then that three of the six experts in the group had clear links to the vaccine industry - people who had also profiled themselves as strong advocates for HPV vaccination.
Svenska Dagbladet wrote at the time that you admitted that you knew about the "bindings" but in your opinion it was no wonder. You effectively duped the media accusations of bickering.
We didn't know much about how the HPV vaccine was made today. There are no minutes from the meetings and no comprehensive documentation on the proceedings, reports the SVD. However, what has emerged is that the then head of Glaxo Smith Kline's public affairs department, Johan Thor, received the industry magazine Resumé's award "The lobbyist of the year" for his efforts to include HPV in the general vaccination program.
A couple of years later, in 2009, you were on the move again and procured even more vaccine from the pharmaceutical company Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK). Specifically, 18 million doses, at a cost of about SEK 1.3 billion, writes SVD and SVT.
The tender was at that time the GSK prototype vaccine Pendemrix used in the mass vaccination against the swine flu 2009-2010, a vaccine that has been shown to increase the risk of narcolepsy. How many vaccine doses to buy in the spring of 2009 you wrote as head of the infection protection unit on the National Board of Health in a phased mass of e-mails to Johan Carlson, who was then director general of the Infectious Disease Institute.
In one of the more than 150 e-mails that SvD requested and reviewed, you write:"SoD (Ministry of Social Affairs) is quite clear that politically there is no return here".
Johan Carlson "agrees" and writes that "this is business and politics rather than healthcare". There is no freedom of movement, he noted.
As there was apparently no return or freedom of movement, you were therefore allowed to purchase 18 million doses of the swine flu vaccine from GSK at a cost of approximately SEK 1.3 billion. Or did it end up being close to 2 billion? It's a tricky thing to keep track of tax funds, it seems to have been a significant sum anyway.
According to newspaper sources, Glaxo Smith Kline must have provided incorrect information when it stated in connection with the procurement that a double dose of the company's vaccine against swine flu was needed. As I understand it, GSK changed its information after the procurement, ie after 18 million doses had been purchased. The company then changed its guidelines and gave new instructions that vaccination should only be given at one time, not two.
Thus, there was a phased mass of vaccine doses left. Svenska Dagbladet, which examined the deal, writes that the stock with more than six million remaining doses of Pandemrix was closed in all silence. According to the newspaper source, between 400 and 500 tax million [Swedish krona - SEK] went up in smoke.
Nearly 500 children and adolescents were affected by the neurological disease narcolepsy. In addition, the vaccination meant that many people had sleep disorders with strong nightmares, hallucinations and memory problems.
In 2013, Swedish Radio writes that British drug giant Glaxo Smith Kline is accused of bribery in China. The pharmaceutical company would have spent about SEK 3 billion on bribing doctors and officials to push up prices for the company's products in the country, according to police. The bribes, according to the source, would have been given in the form of travel but also in the form of sexual services. Since 2007, this activity is reported to have been ongoing, where, among other things, money must have been transferred to 700 travel agencies and companies.
Were you aware of this gigantic bribe when you decided again a few years later to buy a new vaccine from GSK? (Which was also based on the same prototype vaccine as Pandemrix!)
When you took over responsibility for the Public Health Authority, you signed another agreement with Glaxo Smith Kline, which at that time was also provided with a special clause that excludes all possible claims.
What then, has all these vaccine purchases cost taxpayers? Did anyone record? Expressen [news publication] wrote in 2013 that the HPV program costs the state 262 million a year. The mass vaccination against swine flu has well cost 2 billion rounds, as far as I understand. In addition, the four-year agreement signed with GSK in 2016 for a new flu vaccine costs many millions each year.
By the way, was it really necessary for the FHM (you?) to approve a clause in the agreement promising that the state should reimburse the pharmaceutical companies if they would be liable for damages due to side effects?
And what about the HPV program? Since it takes decades for this cancer form to develop, it may require refilling in the future. Does anyone know how it is with that thing? Does Glaxo Smith Kline know? I mean, has the company been informed about the matter?
Something that GSK has made quite clear is that it recently appealed against the county council's joint decision to procure a new (more comprehensive) vaccine against human papillomavirus, HPV, at the Stockholm Administrative Court. It has been found that Glaxo Smith Kline's HPV vaccine is not as effective a vaccine as Gardasil 9, which was developed by the company MSD.
When the county council wanted to focus on the wider vaccine (which protects against nine virus strains instead of GSK's vaccine which only protects against four), the intention was to replace the current vaccine with the aim of improving protection against HPV-caused cancer. However, this has caused GSK to go to the ceiling. At the end of 2018, their appeal stopped the county council's plans to sign an agreement with the MSD to procure the Gardasil vaccine 9.
Glaxo Smith Kline pointed out in the appeal that the contract was for very large values, about SEK 300 million, and that it meant "a great harm for the company not to be able to participate in and compete for the agreement". There is no doubt that astronomical sums are at stake.
Finally, some additional questions, which I know more than I wonder about:
- Are there personal connections between you and GSK?
- Is it that the Swedish methods of analysis regarding tick boreria and various tick-borne co-infections are substandard?
- Is there much more research and funding needed to overcome this?
- For example, can Sida (which has financed many of your and Johan's other projects) come to support activities that prevent, diagnose and treat tick-borne diseases?
- Could Sweden build its own flu vaccine factory, where the state guarantees a certain number of doses each year to keep production going?
- Maybe it might even be wise to have your own production considering possible shortages and delivery problems in times of crisis?
- Finally, why did you travel to Somalia in the middle of the Corona crisis?
- Was it really not possible to provide expert advice via video link and / or over the phone?
- And had you tested for Covid-19 before you left?
/ Susanne Fuchs
PS. Reminds a little quickly what extra necks and side jobs are compatible with government employment. This is regulated by the Public Employment Act, LOA. The purpose of the regulations is expressed in the law's preliminary work:
"Public administration is a cornerstone of Swedish democratic society. The reputation of the authorities should be spotless - no one should doubt that the work being done is impartial. The confidence of the citizens need to be great. You as an employee should never risk acting in your own interest - or to be influenced by someone else who has influence over your decisions."
I happened to see that you and your wife run a trading company that aims to "Conduct and support course activities in the field of health care and health. Conduct analyzes and evaluations in various activities in the field of public health"... does not have any ties to individual companies or individuals in the social sector that the authority should serve ??? May be worth checking out!
(as above)
Thursday, May 21, 2020
VIDEO of 55 year old woman dying. Denied oxygen by Swedish hospital. Very rare video evidence. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED. Her daughter wants her story out. Please share on all outlets. Thanks.
May 10, 2020
by Dr. Whistleblower Jon Tallinger - 16K subscribers
This woman is 55 years old. She was denied oxygen because it was determined she didn't need it. Her daughter pled for oxygen or sedation but was denied. This is happening right now in Sweden to thousands of the weak and elderly behind locked doors where it is forbidden to visit. In that way this footage is unique. Nobody is there to see or show what's going on. We are pleading for outside help. Swedish media is silencing this. This is the big genocide in Sweden 2020... The culling of the weak. All in the name of herd immunity strategy.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?stor... (in Swedish)
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Translation of Swedish Samhällsnytt article following. I have made some corrections to the Google translation in the text below, thanks to my Swedish-speaking partner. Originally published in English by Investment Watch (USA).
VIDEO: Here Anita Pettersson dies of corona without care - struggles for air but is denied oxygen
Anita Pettersson, a 55-year-old woman from Borlänge, has been denied care by Falu laser and died tormented by corona. Her daughter Alexandra has recorded her obituary and wants the shocking video proof to be spread to the public.
Anita Pettersson was admitted to Falu Lasarett with confirmed COVID-19 infection at the end of March. But despite her condition gradually deteriorating, she was denied both oxygen and intensive care units - despite the fact that there were vacant intensive care units at the hospital, according to her daughter.
In the end, the relatives were let in to "say goodbye", because the health service decided that Anita would not live so long. That's when the daughter recorded the shocking video. The video shows how the woman struggles to get air. There are also bruises on her hands that often occur in seriously ill people in COVID-19 as a result of blood clots. Although the doctor prescribed morphine to relieve the cramps, the staff refused to use it. The only thing Anita got, according to her daughter who works as a nurse herself, was soothing.
Doctor Jon Tallinger in several posts on Facebook noted the need for oxygen for COVID-19 patients has published the video with several comments. He calls the treatment Anita received from the health service "abuse and torture".
Alexandra is very critical of the care her mother received. She tells us (Samhällsnytt) by phone:
- I thought they were completely wrong. Mom would pull up the oxygen mask, and after a while she would take it down again because of the pressure against her skin. They interpreted this as not wanting oxygen. They told me "She is uncomfortable and worried about the mask". But that is not true because it is clear how she struggles to get air.
Why do you want the information about what happened to your mother to reach the public?
- I want people to see how horrible both what the virus does and spread the knowledge to others that this is the case if you don't get oxygen and what happens behind closed doors.
The daughter asked the staff to move Anita to an intensive care unit, but this too was refused. The health care staff decided that the woman would not benefit from intensive care. Later, she learned that the hospital had vacant intensive care units at this time.
The video above (on this blog article) is a unique testimony of what is happening in the Swedish healthcare system behind closed doors, according to Alexandra, because relatives are rarely admitted. This time, an exception was made because Anita was in an infectious ward with a separate entrance.
Anita Pettersson was admitted to Falu Lasarett with confirmed COVID-19 infection at the end of March. But despite her condition gradually deteriorating, she was denied both oxygen and intensive care units - despite the fact that there were vacant intensive care units at the hospital, according to her daughter.
In the end, the relatives were let in to "say goodbye", because the health service decided that Anita would not live so long. That's when the daughter recorded the shocking video. The video shows how the woman struggles to get air. There are also bruises on her hands that often occur in seriously ill people in COVID-19 as a result of blood clots. Although the doctor prescribed morphine to relieve the cramps, the staff refused to use it. The only thing Anita got, according to her daughter who works as a nurse herself, was soothing.
Doctor Jon Tallinger in several posts on Facebook noted the need for oxygen for COVID-19 patients has published the video with several comments. He calls the treatment Anita received from the health service "abuse and torture".
Alexandra is very critical of the care her mother received. She tells us (Samhällsnytt) by phone:
- I thought they were completely wrong. Mom would pull up the oxygen mask, and after a while she would take it down again because of the pressure against her skin. They interpreted this as not wanting oxygen. They told me "She is uncomfortable and worried about the mask". But that is not true because it is clear how she struggles to get air.
Why do you want the information about what happened to your mother to reach the public?
- I want people to see how horrible both what the virus does and spread the knowledge to others that this is the case if you don't get oxygen and what happens behind closed doors.
The daughter asked the staff to move Anita to an intensive care unit, but this too was refused. The health care staff decided that the woman would not benefit from intensive care. Later, she learned that the hospital had vacant intensive care units at this time.
The video above (on this blog article) is a unique testimony of what is happening in the Swedish healthcare system behind closed doors, according to Alexandra, because relatives are rarely admitted. This time, an exception was made because Anita was in an infectious ward with a separate entrance.
Please share this article far and wide.
The world needs to see what is happening in Sweden.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Illegal to protect your family? / När blev det olagligt att skydda sin familj?
Who owns your children? - The State? Clearly, you do not "own" your children. You have no rights over their welfare at all !!! Sweden tells you to give up your parental rights. The State (Sweden) makes all decisions for your children - not you !!!! What are you going to do about it Swedes? Crawl back into your shells in utter self-defeat? Find creative ways of dealing with this situation with your social networks... Solutions are out there. You just haven't thought of them yet.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Sweden' FHM refuses to test, trace, isolate. Recipe for disaster. Deaths 30% more based on cases than international average. Despicable abuse of power!
FHM Swedish Public Health Agency members criminally negligent! Investigations and legal cases coming! The people need to organise themselves and make a stand! What's happening here is NOT in the public interest!
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55 yo suffucate without O² May 10, 2020 by Dr. Whistleblower Jon Tallinger - 16K subscribers This woman is 55 years ol...
May 17, 2020 #HerdImmunity An absolutely bogus concept - says the World Health Organisation (WHO) !! Myself and my partner who ...